[Tranquila Zine] a d.i.y zine on how to deal with YOUR anxiety. from the perspective of everyday brown, chicanx, indigenous, latinx chicxs!

Rivera ( Alma Rosa Rivera )
Mental Health  [ Browse Items ]
Anxiety, Mental health, Self-care 
"Tranquila is a zine created by Brown, Chicanx*. Indigenous, Latinx Womxn* who live and have lived with an anxiety disorder. These are experiences, raw and honest and exposed, from the mouths of real muxeres* ... Anxiety is harsh but there is also the triumph of when we kick its ass. There is the strength we've gained from surviving daily feelings that we're going to die. We're here. We're present. We didn't die! Look how scared we were but now we made it to the days that we can laugh and feel the sun! There will be good days & there will be bad days. This zine is your friend. You might not be able to read it during an anxiety attack or it just might calm you down. Do whatever it takes to make you feel better. NEVER apologize for making space for your mental health..."--1st unnumbered page.  
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Jackie Ayala
Many times while reading this zine I cried and felt hope and felt less alone. So many beautiful stories are in this volume with courageous women who are doing it, who are overcoming their anxieties every day. Highly recommend.
4 years ago


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